We use treats to motivate and reward your dogs during photo sessions. Of course, most dogs are treat motivated, and the better the treat the happier they are…and the more likely they are to perform to get that treat. We are always joking that they are working for treats and it’s pretty much true!

Peanut Butter

That said, there is more to it than getting treats your dog’s love. They love all kinds of things that are bad for them. We know, in general, that natural treats with no additives are healthier. We know that protein is an important part of a dog’s diet, and we know that sugar is not good for them. So, what types of treats do we normally use? Among pet photographers, it’s almost a cliche that we use peanut butter. It’s true, the vast majority of dogs go gaga for peanut butter. That said, many popular peanut butter brands have added sugar. So, we use 100% natural peanut butter. What does that mean? The only ingredients should be peanuts with maybe a tiny bit of salt, Salt in large amounts is bad for dogs and can actually become toxic, but a little is okay and healthy.

Other Healthy Treats

What about other premium treats? Our favorite is freeze dried liver. Freeze dried liver has a bunch of health benefits and are very convenient including:

  • Freeze dried liver is nutrient-rich with high levels of protein and essential fatty acids like Omega 3’s.
  • Allergy friendly – unlike many commercial treats, it doesn’t have additives that many dogs are sensitive to.
  • Dogs love the taste! According to my informal survey of client dogs, at least 90% are crazy about them, viewing them as a premium treat!
  • They are long-lasting and don’t require refrigeration. That’s right, by freeze drying you eliminate the need for refrigeration, and they have a long shelf life.

As you can see, this is a pretty perfect treat! Also, unlike peanut butter, they don’t make a mess.

Another premium treat we use with some dogs is boiled chicken. Here are the benefits:

  • High in protein and vitamins that are good for dogs.
  • Generally, allergy friendly. Most dogs are not allergic to chicken and boiled chicken doesn’t have any harmful additives.
  • If properly prepared boiled chicken doesn’t have any added seasonings, salt, bones or skin that might not be beneficial.

The downside to this treat is that it requires proper preparation and refrigeration and has a relatively short shelf life. Also, some dogs are allergic to chicken.

These are the treats we normally use in a photo session. In addition to these treats, we will sometimes use favorite treats provided by our clients.

Let me know if you have any questions about these treats and if you have additional favorite treats we should consider using.